Wales Day 3: Laugharne to Broad Haven
- Start point: Laugharne
- End point: Broad Haven
Woke up at 5am paranoid I’d left my multi tool (and spare cash) at the pub. Gonna have to double check it’s still with me or find a way to get it if they’ve got it. It’d be a 120 mile round trip (with two stints on the A40) to get it if I’ve left it. Might be cheaper and quicker to just buy another one or get it posted. Hnnnngh, hope it’s on the bike.
WiFi here is poo!
Morning sit rep: Slept really well but felt knackered when I woke up. Sit bones and Achilles tendon on my right foot are sore today. Did some stretches (like, 3) and nothing really changed. Misty foggy morning.
Gonna go for breakfast in a bit. Found the tool in the bike so that’s a relief. Having intestinal distress this morning so we could be in for an eventful day of “find the toilet or bush” I think it’s last night’s pizza and Gregg’s overload that did it. Not enough fruit or vegetables really. I’ll work on that today and hopefully everything will right itself.
Not in any major rush to get going today, the longer I can let my sit bones chill out the better. Plus it’s misty as hell. Slight route deviation to pendine this morning since it’d be a shame to come all this way and not see the sands.
Pendine wasn’t really worth the visit but it was nice to get out a bit further down the coast before heading up to Broad Haven. Another lovely day of cycling on really nice roads with really courteous drivers. I could get used to this weather too!
Sat in bed at the YHA and they’re an interesting bunch. 2 walkers and a coach driver. They all seem fairly human and although one of them seems to be out on a “play golf and get a new job” mission, everyone’s very amicable.
Sit bones are still painful and today was kind of tough toward the end letting the pressure off when I could. I’m gonna have to do the same tomorrow even though it’s a shorter day because I know I won’t get more than an hour or so in the saddle without pain. Hoping to stop at St David’s for lunch and a bit of a rest before heading up the coast. I’ll try to get some regular stops in just to try and take the race element out of it.
Forecast some chance of rain tomorrow so with the cloud cover I might get some rest from the sun. We’ll see.
Still feeling strong in the legs and I’ve got loads of miles left provided I can get the seating right. I can’t tell if it’s lack of experience/fitness or just poor saddle fit. Time will tell I guess.
Mentally it was really nice to start heading north today, feels like I’m getting toward home now. Sunset was insane tonight, kinda wish there was someone cycling with me to point at stuff and go “hey look at that” because unwrapping the phone from its sandwich bag inside the top tube bag is a good 2 minute affair. I’ll have to get a waterproof case or something for next time.
Met a really cool couple while watching the sun, they’ve travelled a lot and go around the UK in what I think is a converted van. It’s a Movano or something but I don’t know if it’s a camper. Either way, they told me about waterfalls in Austria to visit and we had a nice chat. They were really cool, proper no messing, lazy just enjoy life and go do shit types.
Lights in the YHA are off now so I guess I’m going to bed. Hah, half 10! I cannot complain at that.